Experience the functionality of your BCM in a desktop environment.
The devBoard simulates all vehicle inputs and outputs needed for basic functionality of your vehicle. The functionality is supported by the base software and provides an easy way to get to know your BCM as well as to try it out without the need to be in your actual car. The devBoard connects to a 12V source and to the BCM. Once connected, a swithc is used to set the BCM in either of the modes Slave or Master. From thereon, the devBoard simulates the functionality of the comfort functions of your vehicle.
OBD Connector for reading the two CAN bus channels
Main connector towards BCM
Cluster for front lights
Cluster for rear lights
Switch for BCM master or slave setting and button for ignition
Indicatorcluster for wipers, windshield washer, horn and alarm indicator
Main cluster for driver input buttons
+12V connection